UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
Attachment 5
A5.1. In General. This attachment provides information to liquid fuels technicians on the basics for
getting DESC funding and or support for maintenance, repair, minor construction, environmental, and
MILCON projects for liquid fuel systems. More details are in Engineering Technical Letter
(ETL) 01-15, Programming Fuels Projects. It is essential that LFM experts provide project
programmers the information needed to justify the work so the project can compete for scarce funding.
A5.2. BCE Responsibility. Fueling systems belong to the installation and the BCE is responsible for
them. This includes the day-to-day operation, environmental compliance, project programming (in-
house and by contract), and developing the MILCON.
A5.3. DESC Funding. DESC owns the fuel on base to the point of issue. As a result, they fund system
MRE contracts, as well as minor construction. Funding comes from a surcharge placed on each gallon
of fuel issued. DESC and the DLA also manage the fuels MILCON and advocate for Congressional
A5.4. Funding for Facilities. DESC only funds for fixed, permanent facilities (contingency facilities
typically are not included) including:
A5.4.1. Aircraft fuel storage.
A5.4.2. Distribution and dispensing systems.
A5.4.3. Related facilities such as POL operations buildings, security fences, and access roads.
A5.4.4. Bulk MOGAS and diesel facilities (under limited circumstances).
A5.5. DLA Requirements. The facilities in paragraph A5.4 must directly support the DESC bulk
petroleum management mission and satisfy at least one of the following criteria:
A5.5.1. Stores or distributes DESC product.
A5.5.2. Ensures environmental compliance.
A5.5.4. Economically beneficial to DESC.
A5.5.5. Directed by DESC.
A5.5.6. Needed to meet minimum inventory level requirements.
A5.6. DESC Ownership. Contact the installation fuels office for verification of DESC ownership.
Although these projects can be funded from either Air Force or DESC resources, scarce Air Force
funding dictates the DESC option. See the Air Force Audit Agency (AFAA) report of audit 96061023,
Funding for Fuel Facilities Maintenance and Repair.