UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
by a computerized expert choice system, used to rank projects at the IPRB. In general, this ranking
is followed when projects are prioritized. If the project is to succeed, the DD Form 1391 must
specifically address the ranking criteria provided with the letter. MILCON projects placed in the
funded category by the IPRB will require extensive additional documentation. Installations have
until January of the fiscal year following the IPRB to submit an updated DD Form 1391, facility
study, economic analysis, detailed cost estimate, assessment of potential environmental impact, site
approval, and backup documentation. Some MAJCOMs perform this work using A-E services.
A5.11.2. DESC issues calls for MRE project documentation in October for the next two fiscal years.
Submissions are due in the December/January time frame. Provide DD Forms 1391, cost estimates,
and other supporting information for the next fiscal year and a line-item list of projects for the year
after. Usually, out-of-cycle submissions are limited to emergencies.
A5.11.3. The MRE project call includes a requirement to project recurring environmental costs for
the next fiscal year and submit them to DESC-FQ. Required information includes the cost of bottom
water removal, related costs of the spill prevention and countermeasures plan, equipment testing to
meet environmental requirements, laboratory tests, permits and fees. This call is frequently
overlooked and military bases lose out on this substantial funding support.