UFC 3-460-03
21 JANUARY 2003
A5.7. Programming Areas. Programming will be in three areas:
A5.7.1. MILCON.
A5.7.2. MRE (equivalent to O&M funds) projects by contract.
A5.7.3. Recurring environmental costs.
A5.8. Minor Construction (MC). MC work is done as part of MRE. MC exceeding 0,000 is
considered capital investment, and DLA limits funds for this work.
A5.9. Military Construction Project Data. BCE programmers must submit a DD Form 1391 for any
project. Because DESC must approve projects for installations and missions unfamiliar to them, the
form must explain the project and the need with enough detail for DESC to understand the project and
agree to fund it. Where there are obvious, less expensive options, explain why they were not used. MC
projects should have an economic analysis attached when there may be options. For any project,
provide the following:
A5.9.1. Full description of the required work.
A5.9.2. Listing of DESC fuel products (type of fuel and tank or facility number). If this is missing,
the project will be returned without action.
A5.9.3. Thorough explanation of the need for the project.
A5.9.4. Detailed cost estimate (no lump sums). Provide realistic units of measure (e.g., meters, feet,
square meters, square feet, liters, gallons).
A5.9.5. Cost-benefit analysis for construction projects over million, or when a more expensive
construction option is selected.
A5.10. MRE Projects. For MRE projects, include A-E design costs and added supervision,
inspection, and overhead (SIOH) for outside management of the design contract by Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (NAVFACENGCOM), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE), or others, if
A5.11. DESC Project Calls. Project submissions are made by the installation to the MAJCOM or
CINC, depending on installation location. Request only the minimum project scope to do the job.
DESC realizes the services can program projects without the compromise needed when funds are
constrained; as a result, DESC looks for instances of gold plating. You are dealing with experts, so do
not try to fool them. Be consistent when working with DESC, as credibility pays. Local policy may
require facility board approval for project validation, but approval is not needed for funds allocation
since funding is from DESC.
A5.11.1. The date of the MILCON project call varies, but will typically be in June (five years ahead
of the MILCON program year) with the DESC Installation Planning and Review Board (IPRB)
(project prioritization) planned for December. Provide a DD Form 1391 with a cost estimate that
outlines specific components to be included in the project. The call letter identifies criteria applied