UFC 3-600-02
1 January 2001
SCOPE. The maintenance concepts for military family housing (MFH) fire
protection systems are based on the management and controls unique to the MFH
program. In the civilian sector, an owner/tenant makes a personal choice to occupy a
dwelling unit and is responsible for their maintenance/repair and any associated fire
protection devices. In MFH, occupants are assigned housing units and the housing
management activity is responsible for the maintenance/repair of units and associated fire
protection devices. Each MFH occupant is required to attend a briefing on their
responsibilities as a MFH occupant prior to occupying a new MFH dwelling. These
briefings include the occupant's responsibilities for conducting tests and cleaning installed
fire protection features. On average, MFH maintenance teams conduct "change of
occupancy" maintenance every one to two years; therefore, scheduled maintenance
performed by the housing management activity is centered on this change of occupancy.
Residential Smoke Detectors. MFH
units are required to
have hard-wired
smoke detectors. Each installation develops programs to train occupants in the testing
and maintenance actions for the smoke detector installed. Actions required as part of
change of occupant maintenance by the housing management activity are listed in Table 3-
Residential Sprinkler Systems. Some MFH units are also provided sprinkler
3-1.2.1 Residential sprinkler systems in multi-family buildings up to 4 stories are
normally constructed in accordance with NFPA 13R, Sprinkler Systems, Residential
Occupancies Up To and Including 4 Stories. These systems are maintained in
accordance with the tables in Chapter 2 of this UFC. Building occupants are not expected
to conduct system tests or maintenance actions.
3-1.2.2 Residential sprinkler systems in multi-family buildings over 4 stories are normally
constructed in accordance with NFPA 13, Sprinkler Systems. These systems are
maintained in accordance with the tables in Chapter 2 of this UFC. Building occupants are
not expected to conduct system tests or maintenance actions.
3-1.2.3 Residential sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings and townhouse-
style units are normally constructed in accordance with NFPA 13D, Sprinkler Systems,
Dwellings. Installations develop their own programs to train occupants in the testing and
maintenance actions required. Actions required as part of change of occupant
maintenance by the housing management activity are listed in Table 3-2.
ITM TASK DESCRIPTIONS. The ITM tasks in Tables 3-1 and 3-2 should be
part of the housing maintenance conducted between occupancies.