DG 1110-3-106
Correct Location for Parking
Wrong Location for Parking
Figure 2-11
Siting Parking Areas
school. Parking facilities for the handicapped shall be
areas and other outdoor peripheral facilities necessary
in accordance with AEI - Design Criteria, Chapter 7.
to the mission of the school. Directional and
Parking areas shall be adequately landscaped to soften
identification signs must be furnished to locate all
the impact of large paved areas. Planting shall be
buildings, access drives, parking and entrances.
supplemented when topography permits by depression
Features for the physically handicapped, restricted
or earth mounding. (Figure 2-11).
areas, service access, and other special use areas will
be identified. Signage and graphics must be in
g. Field Training Areas.
accordance with TM 5-807-10.
Most U.S. Army service schools conduct a portion of
their training in the field. Circulation must be designed
(4) Drawings.
to allow direct access to field training areas; students
Site plans should show, as a minimum, floor
and equipment enroute to field training areas should
elevations, existing and finished grades, existing and
not disrupt school or post circulation patters. (Figure
proposed buildings, roads, parking and utilities in the
2-12). Where field training areas must be located at a
immediate project vicinity, outside utility connections,
remote location, provision shall be made for covered
existing vegetation, proposed lawns and planting
marshaling terminals at the service school site to
masses, and solar orientation. Grading, paving, utility
accomplish orderly transportation of classes to the field.
and landscape planting plans must also be prepared.
h. Lighting and Signage.
C. Designing the Buildings.
Lighting shall be provided along all streets, pedestrian
ways, and parking areas to accommodate safe and
(1) References.
efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation. Lighting
Building design must be accomplished in accordance
shall also be provided for night-use outdoor training
with applicable portions of AEI - Design Criteria, the