DG 1110-3-106
arge and medium size equipment that is in daily
n. Security.
use should be stored in place in dedicated shops and
Security requirements and restrictions may differ for
each Army Service School according to individual
Medium-sized equipment that is not in daily use,
course content, materials, and equipment. The military
such as engines and mechanical assemblies, should
commander of the installation or facility is responsible
be placed on dollies and stored in lockable spaces
for designating and establishing "restricted" areas.
within 75 feet of the classroom.
Advice is furnished to him/her by the provost Marshal
Light, hand-carried equipment should be stored in
or Physical Security Officer, in coordination with the
lockable spaces within 75 feet of the classroom. If
"Exclusive, " "limited," and "controlled" areas should
such equipment is in daily use, storage should be
provided in lockers in the classroom or in a room
be designated according to AR 380-20, AR 310-25, AR
directly adjacent to the classroom.
50-5, and AR 190-21.
Special considerations such as environmental control
and security shall be incorporated when necessary.
o. Adequate Area.
Utilization of multi-purpose space developed for
To make an initial planning decision, the school
classroom use and divided to make provision for
planner must have some idea of how much area to
storage shall be given preference to construction of
provide for mechanical space. To determine the
single use storage space.
amount of mechanical space required, multiply the net
floor area by 0.05. For example, a facility with a net
Adequate, secure storage for instruction materials,
floor area of 13,300 square feet would require 665
training aids, and audio-visual equipment should be
square feet for mechanical equipment: 13,300 x 0.05
planned for and located where needed. A general
= 665 square feet. This area should be listed
rule is to provide 1 1/2 square feet per student (this
separately on the DD Form 1391, below the scope.
assumes that storage will be four shelves high).
Space should be available to store outer clothing
(3) Structural.
(coat racks) and other personal equipment within or
near each training, work, or study area.
a. Selection.
Adequate filing space for learning materials can be
Loads and criteria must be in accordance with AEI -
provided by a sufficient number of filing cabinets or
Design Criteria and TM 5-809-1 through 6, 8 through
built-in storage selected and arranged for easy access
11. The structural systems and materials selected must
within the learning space.
A Outdoors
B Interiors
C Roofline
Figure 2-16
Glass Shading, South Elevation.