DG 1110-3-106
Because of the large size and occupancy, as well as the
D. Interior Design
nature of equipment contained in many schools, fire
safety will impact heavily on the organization and
(1) References.
design of the buildings. The area limitations, length of
Final selection of equipment and furnishings must be
corridors, size of rooms and exits must conform to the
based on the 1391 estimate and Project Development
requirements for "flexible plan" buildings given in the
Brochure completed during planning as discussed under
National Fire Protection Association Code NFPA 101.
paragraph 2-3d. All items of equipment and
Single-line plans showing fire-rated construction,
furnishings which are permanently built-in or attached
location of detection and alarm systems, the location
to the structure, as defined in AR 415-17, are
of exists and evacuation routes, areas where sprinkler
considered part of the building. Other items which are
and/or extinguishing systems are provided, and the
loose, portable or can be detached from the structure
location of other fire protection features must be
without tools, are generally provided by the using
included in project design analyses and completion
service under separate contract.
records. The fire safety design should also be
coordinated with the installation fire marshall.
DG 1110-3-122 shall be used as guidance in the
development of the project. During final selection,
preliminary schedules should be reviewed carefully,
b. Automatic Sprinkler Systems.
Automatic sprinkler systems must be provided:
coordinated again with the local using service, and
q In all portions of educational buildings located
verified against the latest mandatory source catalogs.
below the floor of exit.
q In all windowless classrooms, shops and educational
(2) Selection Factors.
spaces not having exits leading directly to the
a. Appearance.
q In all shops and classrooms in which hazardous
Furniture is an integral part of the overall building
materials are handled.
design and should be closely coordinated with the
selection of colors and finish materials for consistency
c. Extinguishing Systems.
in appearance and quality. Clear relationship between
Special extinguishing systems may be provided for
the furnishings finish schedule and the building finish
protection of specific occupancies where such systems
materials should be evident.
are determined to be the most feasible and effective.
Chapter 4 of this guide gives the school planner
information useful for selecting furniture. Color and
d. Protection of Special Devices.
Space where special electrical or mechanical devices
finishes are included with overall color and texture
such as computers, simulators, etc., are to be housed
schemes (Appendix A). Other characteristics are
must be identified and extinguishment systems designed
covered within space types for furniture appropriate to
it. The Directorate of Information Office (DIO) can
help the school planner find out what furniture is
e. Specifications.
available to the school. DIO maintains a current list of
Applicable CE guide specifications include CE 710.03
Government contractors for furniture items, and may
for fire alarm and evacuation signal systems, and CE
have or can obtain contractor's catalogs.
700 for sprinkler systems.
b. Durability, Comfort and Safety.
(8) Drawings.
Careful attention must be given to all interior
Design drawings should show as a minimum, floor
furnishings to insure that the type of furniture chosen
plans indicating functional layouts with all rooms and
conforms to standards of durability, comfort and
spaces dimensioned, elevations indicating type and
safety appropriate for the use they will receive. Being
extent of exterior building finishes, cross-sections with
generally mobile, furniture items are subject to
floor to floor heights dimensioned, specification of
handling. parts that receive the most wear should be
materials and methods of construction, design of
replaceable, and finishes should sustain regular
electrical, mechanical and structural systems,
designs with schedules of finish materials.
should be considered. Furniture and equipment must
withstand loading conditions without damage. Edges
and surfaces should be smooth and rounded. Materials
must be flame-retardant.