DG 1110-3-106
be suitable for permanent type construction, be
c. Specifications.
capable of carrying the required loads, and be
Applicable CE Guide Specifications include the CE
compatible with fire protection requirements and
300, 500 & 600 series.
architectural and functional concepts. The structural
(5) Mechanical.
system and features selected should be that system
which is the most economical and suitable based on
comparative cost studies for the building. Comparative
a. Selection.
Heating, air-conditioning and ventilation must be in
cost studies should be made for the three most
accordance with current AEI - Design Criteria and TM
apparent competitive systems and take into account
5-810-1. The heat loss and heat gain calculations must
mechanical, electrical and other features where they
be made in accordance with the current ASHRAE
vary between systems under study.
Handbook of Fundamentals. In the design of air-
conditioning systems, various systems should be
b. Versatility.
considered such as variable air volume, multizone, dual
Due to changing instructional programs, the structure
duct, single zone, a combination of systems and any
should be designed so that spaces within the buildings
other suitable systems covered by the current
can be utilized for different purposes without
ASHRAE Handbooks. Within the design scope and
sustaining the cost of major alterations. Bay or
environmental conditions required for various spaces,
module spacing should be adequate to give the desired
each air-conditioning system should be studied and the
flexibility and convertibility in view of the interacting
least energy intensive system selected based on life cycle
structural, mechanical and electrical elements involved.
cost and the energy analysis. Energy recovery systems
Structural design should include rigid framing
should be investigated and incorporated into the design
connections to eliminate need for shear walls within
if economical. Reasons for selection and rejection of
blocks of activity space. Design loads for floors in
systems must be included in project design analyses.
non-dedicated classrooms should be uniform.
b. Specifications.
c. Protective Construction.
Applicable CE guide specifications include the CE 301
In locations where a deficit in PF 100 fallout shelter
space exists under the Army Survival Measures Plan,
described in AR 500-72, selected areas of the structure
(6) Electrical.
should be designed for dual use as fallout shelters.
Technical and other requirements should be be
accordance with TM 5-800-1, Construction Criteria for
a. Selection.
Army Facilities. Single-line plans showing locations,
Electrical Design must conform to AEI - Design
occupant loads, and minimum protection factors for
Criteria and TM 5-811-1 through 4. System
the selected shelter areas must be included in project
characteristics should be selected to provide the most
design analyses and completion records.
efficient and economical distribution of energy.
Voltages selected should be of the highest order
(4) Plumbing.
consistent with the load served. Three phase 208Y/120
volts should generally be used to serve incandescent
a. Selection.
and small fluorescent or mercury vapor lighting loads,
Plumbing must be in accordance with TM 5-810-5
(and TM 5-810-6 if gas fittings are required). Water
should be given to the use of three-phase 480Y/277
supply facilities must be as prescribed in TM 5-813-5
volt systems where such is feasible.
and 6. Sanitary sewers must be as prescribed in TM
5-814-1. Plumbing and fixtures shall comply with the
b. Lighting.
"American National Plumbing Code A 40.8" or the
Intensities should conform to the minimum levels
"National Standard Plumbing Code", within the limits
recommended by the latest edition of the Illuminating
established by AEI - Design Criteria, Chapter 15.
Engineering Society Lighting Handbook. OCE
Standard Drawing No. 40-60-04, Lighting Fixtures,
b. Latrine Location.
should be used to the maximum extent practicable.
Both female and male latrines shall be provided near
Sufficient local switching capability should be
administrative areas and on each floor of classroom
developed in the lighting design to achieve maximum
wings, so as to allow for convenient use by staff and
and minimum lighting levels for facility operation.
Such a provision should enable occupants to use
maximum lighting only in that portion of the facility
where it is needed, and to use a lower level of