DG 1110-3-106
(2) Is easily divisible, by fixed or movable walls, into
3-1 General
two 25 ft. x 30 ft. (750 sq. ft.) rooms for 25-student
This chapter discusses Special Considerations related to
modular design, lighting design, acoustic design, design
of the thermal environment, seating design and design
(3) Can be constructed around the 5-ft. dimensional
of audio-visual systems. The material in this chapter is
planning unit. (This dimension readily accommodates
intended to establish special requirements and criteria
the standard 4-ft. fluorescent tube and reduces the
in conjunction with the individual space criteria in
number of different-sized wall panels needed for
Chapter 4.
construction. See Chapter 5 for additional information
on the 5-ft. planning dimension).
3-2 Modular Design
C. Modular Arrangement.
A. Characteristics.
The standard space modules should be employed in 30
As previously noted, service schools are characterized
ft. wide bands along double loaded corridors. (Figure
by frequent changes in instructional program and
3-2). This pattern maintains the proper classroom
student load, and by a requirement to be capable of
rapidly expanding school operations. The characteristics
reduces circulation time by minimizing overall corridor
require a school design which emphasizes flexibility in
length, and conserves heating and cooling energy by
room use and provides for ease of expansion. The
minimizing external wall areas. Moreover, it provides a
primary classroom requirement at U.S. Army Service
building pattern which readily accommodates changes
Schools is for spaces that will:
in function.
q Seat 24 to 48 students.
q Be easily convertible to other uses.
D. Functional Flexibility.
q Minimize disruption of activities during modification
Modular spaces can serve as classrooms, seminar
of use.
rooms, labs, self-paced learning carrels, instructor
preparation spaces, training aids storage areas, and
administrative offices with only a change of furniture
B. Standard Space Module.
and the positioning or repositioning of partitions.
Based on the classroom requirements above, the
(Figure 3-3).
optimum activity space module for service schools is
30 ft. x 50 ft. (Figure 3-l). This 1,500 sq. ft. space:
E. Interior Wall Systems.
Only the exterior and corridor walls of the modular
(1) Provides ample seating for 50 students at 2 ft. x 3
space banks need be permanent; transverse walls may
ft. tables (the most commonly used student situation)
be either semi-permanent or movable partitions. Semi-
permanent walls should be erected in those areas in
conference/lecture activities.
which a minimum of functional change is anticipated;
e.g., in administrative areas. Movable partitions should
be employed in those spaces in which changes in
Double Doors for Equipment
Utilities Chase
Typical Partition Location
Figure 3-1
Repetitive General Instruction Space