DG 1110-3-106
1500 Sq. Ft. Classroom
6 X (1500 Sq. Ft.) -- 9000 Sq. Ft.
Figure 2-14
Group of Classrooms.
Control of glass areas. In cases where the shading
elevators when necessary to move heavy or bulky
methods mentioned above are not practical, the
materials between floors. Use of passenger elevators
choice of window glass becomes important. At a
will be kept to the minimum necessary to meet
radiation angle of incidence of 40 degrees, ordinary
operational requirements.
glass admits 85% of the solar thermal energy that
f. Use by Physical Handicapped.
strikes the glass surface, while reflective glass admits
The building must be accessible to and usable by the
63%, heat-absorbing glass 60%, and certain
physically handicapped in accordance with AEI -
specialized glasses as little as 28%. Windows may
Design Criteria, Chapter 7. Buildings should be
also be recessed as illustrated in Figure 2-16. Such a
organized in the early stages of design for access and
design shades the window glass, substantially
use by handicapped civilian employees, visitors and
reducing the amount of solar energy striking the
students. For the most part handicapped persons
glass surface. These alternatives shall be considered
should be able to act independently in order to pursue
in the life cycle cost analysis.
opportunities which would normally be afforded able-
bodied persons.
h. Color.
Use of color in Army facilities is limited to a practical
number. Appendix A discusses color and notes where
g. Energy Conservation.
to get example color schemes.
The basic elements of conservation design include:
Building Shape. Heat gains and losses in a building
i. Finish Materials.
are directly proportional to the area of its exterior.
Interior finishes must be appropriate for the designed
Therefore in climates which require a great deal of
function of the building and spaces. Selection of
heating or cooling energy, multi-story buildings,
materials should be based on low maintenance qualities
which increase floor space per unit area of exterior
considering the anticipated use, life cycle cost impact,
surface, should be provided unless incompatible with
fire and other safety requirements. Decisions
functional requirements.
concerning the extent of carpet installation must be
coordinated with the using service and should be based
conditioning requirement for most buildings results
on distinct functional advantages, such as acoustics,
from solar energy absorbed by building surfaces. By
safety and maintenance. The color, texture and pattern
simply shading those postions of the building
of materials should complement the overall building
receiving the most sun, cooling requirements can be
design. Native (local) materials should be used to the
significantly reduced. Methods of wall shading
greatest extent practicable. Long-life materials such as
which should be considered include applying various
stones, tiles, woods, plastics, and vinyls should be
forms of canopies or louvers to the walls, and
selected to provide attractive colors, textures and
deciduous trees. Each wall of the building may
require a different treatment depending upon its
orientation to the sun.