Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 July 03
b. PHASE 2: The five (at most) proposals which are determined to present the most advantages to the
Government will receive the Phase 2 amendment to the solicitation which will include the Statement of
Work, design considerations, and site constraints from the Government.
These Offerors will review,
evaluate, and propose a creative solution to the design problem presented.
Offerors will also include
cost information with this technical proposal.
Only Offerors who reach PHASE 2 will be provided the
opportunity to submit design solutions and cost information.
The Government will award a firm fixed-price contract to that responsible Offeror whose complete
(Phase 1 and 2 portions) proposal, which was evaluated to be at least conforming to the solicitation,
determined to be fair and reasonable, and has been selected as the most advantageous to the
Government, quality (comprised of technical approach and performance capability factors), price, and
other factors considered. The rated evaluation criteria and price are considered approximately equal. As
evaluation ratings and relative advantages and disadvantages become less distinct, differences in price
between proposals are of increased importance in determining the most advantageous proposal.
Conversely, as differences in price become less distinct, differences in ratings and relative advantages
and disadvantages between proposals are of increased importance to the determination.
The Government reserves the right to accept other than the lowest priced offer. The right is also
reserved to reject any and all offers. The basis of award will be a conforming offer, the price or cost of
which may or may not be the lowest. If other than the lowest priced offer is accepted, that offer must be
sufficiently more advantageous than the lowest priced offer in order to justify the payment of additional
c. Offerors are reminded to include their best technical and price terms in their initial offer and not to
automatically assume that they will have an opportunity to participate in discussions or be asked to
submit a revised offer. The Government may make award of a conforming proposal without discussions,
if deemed to be within the best interests of the Government.
a. All proposal information received as a result of the Phase 1 solicitation shall be reviewed, evaluated,
and rated with respect to the following rating scheme:
Unknown Performance Risk
Past performance information provided does not provide
sufficient depth and breadth of experience to allow a
definitive rating.
Outstanding/Very Low Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, no doubt
exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
Above Average/Low Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, little doubt
exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
required effort.
Satisfactory/Moderate Performance Risk
Based on the offeror's performance record, some doubt
exists that the offeror will successfully perform the
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