Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-214-02, TEMF, 24 July 03
This factor considers the overall functional layout and interaction of the spaces in the facilities as well as
the "appeal" of the facility considering interior as well as exterior considerations. The subfactors to be
considered deal with the planning and design of the spaces with respect to tactical vehicle maintenance
operations as well as other normal vehicle maintenance type considerations. Closely associated with the
functional layout of the spaces and facilities, this factor considers the asthetics of the interior areas as
well as the exterior finishes and design of the facilities, up to and including the overall environment
created by the design proposed. The subfactors described below will be evaluated in the following order
of importance:
Subfactor a and b are "GO/NO GO" factors and will be rated as pass/fail without an adjectival
Subfactor c is considered the most important subfactor
Subfactor d is less important that subfactor c.
From an overall perspective, has the proposal included all the required facilities as described in the
Statement of Work?
Has the proposal included all the mandatory spaces in response to the requirements set forth in the
Statement of Work?
For each of the spaces with a minimum or maximum size limitation, has the
proposal complied with these requirements?
Insufficient information contained in the proposal to
evaluate this item will be considered a "NO GO" and will represent a "FAIL" rating.
c. FUNCTIONAL ARRANGEMENT The following items will be considered in the evaluation of the
functional arrangement of the various facilities:
[Design District shall edit the following subfactor items to include only those items which are included in
the project.]
(1) Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities
(a) Does the building floor plan provide space arrangement well suited to the mission of the facility?
(b) Does the building floor plan provide acceptable life safety and fire safety measures?
Is the Life
Safety Analysis for the facility acceptable and in conformance with the Statement of Work requirements?
(c) Evaluate the Offeror's floor plan with respect to adaptation of the standard facility modules.
(d) Does the Offeror's floor plan demonstrate suitable locations for built-in equipment and other
operational support type items required in the SOW?
(e) Does the Offeror's plan for the small outside facilities compliment the operations of the entire facility.
(f) Does the Offeror's floor plan clearly identify the typical work patterns and vehicle movements
expected within the facility?
Building Asthetics. The following items will be considered, materials will be evaluated in Factor 2-
(1) Exterior Considerations:
Facades, roof lines, and delineation of entrances.
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