Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
[The Installation shall determine which energy conservation alternatives are feasible and
should be used. UEPH buildings should always consider heat recovery for the central
preconditioned outside air system and dessicant cooling where applicable. Where life cycle cost
effective, specify equipment efficiencies in the upper 25% of that available. In all cases, all
equipment in the project shall, as a minimum, conform to FEMP or Energy Star criteria.]
PASSIVE SOLAR APPLICATIONS. Passive solar architectural applications shall
routinely be considered as a part of all project designs. Unique applications such as attached
sun spaces, earth sheltering, mass trombe walls, solar chimneys, solar dehumidifiers, and other
innovations may be considered. Operational controls, such as shading and venting
mechanisms, to control the amount of heat admitted into the building during the day, reduce the
amount of heat escaping from the building at night, and provide for thermal comfort of the
occupants, are parts of this system.
South glazing. If used as part of the solar energy system, glazing shall be of the
commercially available off-the-shelf type and shall face within 20 degrees of solar south. The
glazing shall be architecturally compatible with building design and the environment. It shall
face directly into the living space so that the walls, floors, ceiling, and other massive objects can
absorb the entering solar energy, and shall have a whole-window U value less than 1.6 square
meter-kelvin (K)/watt [0.28 ft2-degrees F/BTUH].
Storage mass. If thermal performance calculations indicate a need for additional
mass (beyond that provided by the building structure) substantiating data will be submitted. The
storage mass will be well integrated into the building design. The thermal mass surface area in
the space must be a minimum of three times the glazing area. Six to nine times the glazing
area is recommended to control temperature swings. The surfaces to absorb solar energy must
not be more than 10% covered.
Shading of Glazing. Cooling season shading of glazed surfaces on the east, west
and south elevations is required.
applications proposed for domestic water heating shall be evaluated for life-cycle-cost
effectiveness using a recognized process design program. Whether site-mounted or unit-
mounted, systems must be designed for maximum ease of maintenance and for architectural
compatibility with the UEPH complex environment. .
GEOTHERMAL. Geothermal energy sources such as wet or dry steam sources,
geothermal hot water, hot dry rock, etc., when determined cost effective, may be considered in
regions with established geothermal sources. Each design utilizing geothermal sources shall
address the project's environmental impact relating to discharge of hazardous, noncondensable
gases or other hazardous effluents, noise emission, heat rejection, ground water contamination,
land use, etc.