DG 1110-3-106
1-3 References
1-1 Purpose
A. Functional Needs.
A. Design.
The following Army Regulations and directives are
This guide provides criteria to govern the design of
important in understanding the functions of Army
U.S. Army Service Schools, and to aid in the
training programs.
evaluation of such designs. This guide is directed
Army Training
AR 350-1
towards improving early design decisions and towards
AR 351-1
Military Education and Training
the development of realistic, cost-effective spaces in
DA PAM 570-558 Staffing Guide for U.S. Army
conjunction with the Army regulations and DoD
Service Schools
criteria referenced herein.
B. DA Design Criteria.
B. Planning.
The following manual is important in understanding
This guide is also intended to provide general guidance
the basic criteria governing the planning and design of
for using service personnel and Corps of Engineers
Department of Army facilities.
field offices in planning facilities for inclusion in
Architectural and Engineering Instructions (AEI) --
military construction programs.
Design Criteria
C. Improvement.
C. Project Planning.
It is expected that using service personnel will find
The following regulations are important in
additional use for this guide in developing
understanding procedures for planning facilities in
improvements or in better utilizing existing facilities.
conjunction with the development of Military
Construction, Army (MCA), programs.
1-2 Scope
AR 415-15 MCA Program Development
AR 415-17 Empirical Cost Estimates for Military
A. Guide Limitation.
The criteria here in apply to all construction projects for
Army Service Schools, whether for new construction
D. Design Execution.
or for altering existing space. While this guide is the
The following Army and Engineer Regulations are
basic criteria document, it is not intended to provide
important in understanding execution procedures which
all of the information required for successful
must be considered in the design of facilities
preparation of project designs. Supplementary
designated for inclusion in MCA programs.
information must be obtained from the installation to
Project Development and Design
AR 415-20
describe the exact requirements of the training
program, and the locational constraints and
ER 1110-345-100 Design Policy for Military
opportunities of the site.
ER 1110-345-700 Design Analysis
B. Presentation of Criteria.
ER 1110-345-710 Drawings
Following the introduction, the guide contains four
ER 1110-345-720 Specifications
additional chapters which pertain to planning and
design criteria; one on general design considerations,
E. Completion Records.
the second on special design factors, the third on
The following regulation is important in understanding
individual space criteria and the fourth on space
the kind of records transferred to the using service
organization principles. The last chapter of the guide
upon completion of a project.
contains illustrative applications of criteria in the form
of example designs. These designs are not intended to
be definitive designs but to represent possible solutions
for different requirements and local situations in order
F. Facility Design.
to demonstrate the intent of the guide.
The following Army guides and manuals are important
in understanding design requirements of Army service
C. Example Designs.
schools .
The example designs developed in the last chapter are
Design Guide for
DG 1110-3-104
for four typical training programs generating space
Administrative Office Facilities
requirements for 30,000 sq. ft., 150,000 sq. ft. and
Design Guide for Libraries
DG 1110-3-110
400,000 sq. ft.
Design Guide for Interiors
DG 1110-3-122
Installation Design
TM 5-803-5
TM 5-807-10