DG 1110-3-106
Schools having predominately classroom
instructional space (4:1 ratio, classroom to shop
substantial increase in the student and instructor
population, resulting in a population level that may be
three times as high as that of normal conditions and
(2) These three categories represent a grouping of
require multiple-shift school operations.
service schools according to average square footage per
Average Square Footage per Person
A large percentage of service school instruction
consists of hands-on training; that is, practice in
operating and maintaining actual or simulated Army
(These figures are based on gross area tabulations and
equipment. This type of instruction often requires a
large number of specialized training laboratories and
school population figures for FY 72 as furnished by
shops with convenient access for large pieces of
HQ, TRADOC. The population figures include both
students and authorized military and civilian school
personnel.) Although these figures are averages and
thus cannot be used as firm planning criteria, they
(4) Low Instructor-Student Ratio.
Service school instructional methods are generally
nevertheless suggest that a relationship exists between a
based upon low instructor-student ratios, sometimes as
school's shop-classroom ratio and the gross area per
low as 1:2. Therefore a larger amount of space must
person that the facility must provide. They also furnish
be programed for instructor support than is the case in
a rough quantitative measure of the space required by
most civilian educational facilities. This does not mean,
the different kinds of service schools. These data,
when combined with specific local information, may
however, that each instructor requires an individual
space; a large percentage of Army instructors is
be useful for preliminary planning studies.
involved in group activities, such as maintaining school
equipment and property, when they are not teaching.
2-3 Planning the Service School
Such personnel do not require individual offices or
activity spaces.
A. Requisites.
The sequential activities whereby a project is
(5) Accommodations for the Handicapped.
authorized and constructed are delineated in AR
Provision must be made for those visitors, members of
415-15, AR 415-17 and AR 415-20. Since most U.S.
Army service schools represent a large investment in
the staff, and civilian students who may be
handicapped. Design shall be in accordance with
physical plant by the Army, a thorough study should
AEI - Design Criteria, Chapter 7.
be initially performed by the using service including
feasibility, program evaluation, economic analysis and
construction requirements. Such studies should consider
H. General Planning Factors.
full or partial utilization of existing available space,
Each U.S. Army Service School has a unique
instructional mission. The success of school design is
new facilities, alternate site locations, rental space,
contracted training, joint use of training facilities under
measured by the efficiency and effectiveness with
which each school can accomplish its mission in the
other commands and services, etc. AR 37-13, Economic
spaces provided. A successful school design, therefore,
Analysis and Program Evaluation, contains instructions
for performing an economic analysis and program
must respond to the particular requirements of the
individual service school. The following general
evaluation. As a minimum, such studies must establish
information about service schools should be considered
the site of the school, the program of construction
in preliminary school planning.
(both renovation and new), and the approximate cost.
Such initial studies shall not include design beyond the
(1) More than 75% of all service schools fall into
level of establishing building area and site support
three categories based on the ratio of shop to
requirements. Due to the complexity of the problem of
classroom instructional space:
relating a changing curriculum and student load
forecast to the changing technologies in teaching aids
a. Schools having predominately shop instructional
and construction, the services of a consultant may be
space (4:1 ratio, shop to classroom space).
desirable. Once the requirements are established, the
using service must prepare a DD Form 1391, Project
b. Schools having approximately equal amounts of
Development Brochure and other documentation to
shop and classroom space.
obtain HQDA, DoD and Congressional approval and