DG 1110-3-106
(2) SW Progression Course:
2-1 General
This course is designed to train military personnel,
usually lower grade enlisted personnel, in skills related
This chapter discusses basic considerations related to
to a specific military occupational specialty (MOS).
the planning of Service Schools for inclusion in MCA
Such courses normally require from 3 weeks to 3
programs, and consideration related to the design and
months to complete.
review of such facilities. The material which follows is
intended to establish general requirements and criteria
(3) Functional Course:
within which to discuss special considerations,
This course is designed to enhance the effectiveness of
individual space criteria and space organization
military personnel in selected functional areas, for
principles in the following chapters.
example, in the maintenance or operation of particular
items of Army equipment. Such courses generally
2-2 Army Training Program
require from 1 to 4 weeks to complete.
A. Functional Requirements.
Army Training Programs are established to assist
D. Student Participants.
The following categories of personnel are eligible to
personnel in developing their job skills, intellectual
attend Army schools and Defense schools operated by
leadership abilities, and their overall career potential.
the Army:
needed in each particular case is the basis for
delineating the functional requirements for a Service
(1) Active Army personnel.
School Facility.
(2) Active duty personnel of the other services.
B. Mission.
The mission of a typical U.S. Army Service School
(3) Personnel of the Reserve Components of all
(4) Military students from foreign countries
(1) Training:
participating in the Security Assistance Program, or
Resident instruction and training in specific aspects of
from other friendly foreign countries when such
U.S. Army doctrine, policy, and procedures and in the
training is determined to be in the best interests of the
maintenance, operation, and employment of selected
United States.
items of Army equipment.
(5) Civilian personnel employed by the services and by
(2) Training Literature:
Developing, producing, and reviewing both school-
other U.S. local, State and Federal governmental
related and Army-wide training literature.
agencies, on a space-available basis.
(6) Civilian personnel of industrial or research
(3) Doctrine:
Developing doctrine for the branch of the Army
organizations under contract to the U.S. Government
when such training is not otherwise available and is
served by the school and participating in force
deemed essential for fulfillment of the contract.
development activities which affect that branch.
C. Instructional Program.
E. Staff Assignment.
AR 351-1 identifies the various kinds of instructional
programs offered by Army Service Schools. Some of
(1) Organization.
the important courses offered are described below.
The general staff organization of U.S. Army Service
Specific information concerning the schools and
Schools is depicted in Figure 2-1. This chart is a guide
courses offered may be found in DA PAM 351-4,
only; the internal organization of staff elements varies
U.S. Army Formal Schools Catalog.
between schools as necessary to meet their respective
missions, areas of emphasis, workload and operating
(1) Professional Development Course:
This course is designed to prepare commissioned
officers, warrant officers, and non-commissioned
(2) Authorization Levels.
officers to effectively perform the duties required in
Detailed information and computation procedures
assignments of progressively greater responsibility. It
concerning numbers and types of positions authorized
usually includes instruction in military operations,
for programed student loads are provided in DA PAM
resource management, and leadership. Such courses
570-558, Staffing Guide for U.S. Army Service
generally require from 3 to 9 months to complete.
Schools. Information pertaining to a specific school is