DG 1110-3-106
electrical design engineers. Separate items should be
B. Planning the Site.
listed under Supporting Facilities (Blank 21) on DD
Form 1391 (Figure 2-2) to include, as appropriate:
(1) HQDA Approved Siting.
The site of the facility shall be as shown on the
HQDA approved Installation Master Plan of the
a. Site preparation
installation. If the facility is not shown thereon,
approval must be obtained in accordance with AR
b. Grading*
210-20, Master Planning for Permanent Army
Installations, before the project will be reconsidered for
c. Paving (drives, parking and walks)*
design and construction. The location selected should
be responsive to the economic analysis discussed in
d. Demolition
2-3a above and 2-4 below, and should meet the
following functional requirements, as applicable:
e. Water
a. Sufficient real estate to permit accommodation of
f. Sanitary sewer
buildings, outdoor training areas, parking, student
housing and mess facilities, and other support required
g. Gas
at the site.
h. Fencing
b. Near to existing available quarters and installation
support facilities such as post exchanges, libraries,
i. Landscape planting
training aids facilities, etc.
j. Exterior electrical*
c. Relatively quiet and uncontested area conducive to
(2) Site Sketch.
1. Signage*
Although a detail site plan is not normally required
*Including features for the physically handicapped.
for submission with the 1391, preparation of a site
sketch will assist in preliminary budgeting. A tentative
C. Planning the Buildings.
orientation should be established taking into
consideration the following factors:
(1) Space Requirements.
With the exception of General Academic Classrooms,
a. Convenience of access for pedestrians, drivers and
AEI - Design Criteria does not set forth space
service vehicles.
allowance criteria for service school facilities. The
space program requirements should be prepared by
b. Direction of sun and prevailing wind.
using the service in conjunction with initial feasibility
studies. This information should be updated if the
forecasted curriculum and/or student load change
during the process of authorization. Actual space
d. Views.
requirements should be estimated using the information
in this guide and the appropriate figure entered in
e. Location of utility connections of adequate size.
Blocks 18.f, 20.a, 23a, and 23.h of DD Form 1391.
The size of mechanical space required to heat and air-
f. Future expansion.
condition the school should be estimated by a
mechanical engineer and entered separately on Block
g. Access to field training areas.
20.b. as "Heating and Air-Conditioning Plant" or
``Mech Room", as appropriate. The figure obtained
(3) Estimating Site Costs.
from the addition of all building area requirements
Empirical Cost Estimates are prepared in accordance
should be entered on the top line of Block 20 of DD
with AR 415-17, which provides unit cost figures for
Form 1391. Block 17.a. should be checked and ``DG
all types of building and support facilities normally
1110-3-106" should be written in block 17.c. See AR
required for service schools; therefore, establishing the
415-15 for complete instructions on completing DD
costs of site requirements is initially the most
Form 1391.
important consideration. Specific site utility
requirements must be estimated by mechanical and