DG 1110-3-106
(4) Flexibility:
(4) Principles:
The capability of responding to new or changing
Rules exemplified in the organization of a building
situations; for the purposes of this manual, a facility,
building, or room which can be adapted to new
situations by expansion or reorganization of internal
B. Functional.
elements possesses the quality of flexibility.
(1) Applied Training.
Training in which students operate and/or maintain
(5) Functional Affinity:
A causal connection or relationship in function
selected items of Army equipment.
between two activities; for example, classroom
instruction in principles and procedures and the applied
(2) Chase:
training in which those principles and procedures are
A continuous vertical channel built into a wall for the
put into practice have a close functional affinity.
purpose of carrying conduit or utilities.
(6) Zoning:
(3) Circulation:
The location of activity spaces, utility controls, etc.
The orderly movement of personnel or vehicles along
according to selected characteristics and relationships;
prescribed routes.
for example, zoning activity spaces according to their
function, or zoning lighting controls so as to control
the lighting in spaces of a particular size.