UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
This space is used for team activities and sports competitions such as basketball and
volleyball. Multiple court gymnasiums with divider curtains can accommodate
simultaneous activities. The gymnasium can also support instructional functions,
informal, intramural, and extramural sports as well as community events.
8.53 m (28 ft.) clear height below structure and lights.
Min. Ceiling Ht.
Walls. CMU with glazed wall coating or heavy-duty epoxy up to 3.66 m (12 ft.). Above
3.66 m (12 ft.), use semi-gloss enamel and consider acoustic panels.
Floor. Multipurpose, resilient, athletic flooring--typically wood. Flooring must meet
"DIN" standards for the specified function per ACSM.
Ceiling. Exposed, painted structure. Provide acoustical banners.
No plumbing fixtures in the gymnasium. Consider access to nearby drinking fountains.
20 C (68 F) minimum, 23 C (74 F) maximum; 20 cfm/person outside air, with CO2
sensors or other type of energy conservation system; 10 air changes/hour; less than
50% relative humidity. Provide durable air grill covers and do not place air grills in line
with basketball nets.
Fire Protection
Provide system per Section 3-5.3. Provide protection for sprinkler heads, exit signs,
manual pull stations, and other exposed components; minimize equipment that
protrudes into activity space or raise it above 1.83 m (6 ft.) for safety considerations.
Provide 1-hour fire separation from core areas of building.
Provide outlets per code. Provide power for the scoreboard; shot clocks; and a high,
wall-mounted clock. Consider power requirements for other functions such as
retractable backboards, divider curtain, and stage sound and lighting.
Metal halide, 540 Lux (50 ft. candles) minimum, adjustable up to 860 Lux (80 ft.
candles). If the program dictates, consider providing up to 1080 Lux (100 ft. candles).
Provide perimeter compact fluorescents multi-level switched for non-sport activities.
Provide keyed light switches. Provide protection for all fixtures. Do not locate fixtures
directly above basketball backboards. Do not install high-pressure sodium lighting.
CCTV. Provide at least one outlet in each divided space.
CATV/Internal Video. None required.
PA/Audio. Provide speakers with proper spacing.
Telephone. Provide one line with internal two-way communication.
Data. Consider providing data outlets in
recessed floor boxes, centered under the
anticipated scoring table location, but outside the court boundaries.
Security. None required.
None required.
Provide CCTV cameras per the outlet count.
Fixtures &
Provide wrestling mat, exercise mat, protective floor coverings, seating, scoring table,
Equip. (FF&E)
elevated judge's stand, and chairs.