Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Site Design Criteria for Company Operations Facilities. In addition to the general site
design criteria defined above, Company Operations Facilities shall include the following: [Insert
specific installation requirements with minimum required area].
Site Design Criteria for Battalion and Brigade Headquarter Facilities. In addition to
the general site design criteria defined above, Battalion and Brigade Headquarter Facilities shall
include the following: a grass parade/viewing ground having a minimum of [Insert Installation
Required Area][; Insert specific installation requirements with minimum required area].
CIRCULATION AND PARKING. The vehicular and pedestrian circulation system shall
promote safe, efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians within the site area. Site design shall
facilitate pedestrian traffic between facilities, and minimize the need for vehicular traffic within the
complex. Vehicular traffic shall be routed around the outer perimeter of UEPH facility areas to the
greatest extent possible. The vehicular and pedestrian circulation system should maintain the
maximum separation of vehicles and pedestrians. Safe circulation systems have a clear hierarchy
of movement, lead to a clear destination, and do not interrupt other functions. The following criteria
shall be considered for designing streets and drives for vehicles and pedestrians:
Vehicular Circulation. Vehicular circulation layout is determined by applying the
design vehicle templates to the site design. The passenger car class includes passenger cars and
light delivery trucks, such as vans and pick-ups. The passenger car template is equivalent to the
non-organizational - privately owned vehicle (POV). The truck class template includes single-unit
trucks, recreation vehicles, buses, truck tractor-semitrailer combinations, and trucks or truck tractors
with semi-trailers in combination with full trailers. Templates showing the turning movements for
design vehicles are provided by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO). Obtain templates and utilize them during the design of the facility. Provide the
vehicle clearances that are required to meet traffic safety for emergency vehicles, service vehicles,
and moving vans. Site entrances and site drive aisles shall include required traffic control signage.
Maximize spacing between drives, incorporate right-angle turns, and limit the points of conflicts
between traffic.
Entrance and Intersection Design. For site entrances and drive aisle intersections,
provide "T" intersection offsets of at least 38.1 m [125 ft]. The preferred angle of intersection is
right-angle (90 degrees).
Drive Aisle Design. The selected design vehicle templates determine dimensions for
drive aisles for parking lots. Separation, corner clearances, and sight distance are established
when the design vehicle templates and speed limits are selected. Design pavements for the wheel
load associated with the design vehicle. Concrete entrances shall be provided at intersections with
installation roads.
Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) Parking. POV stalls without vehicle overhang shall be
a 2.7 m x 5.5 m [9 ft x 18 ft]. The design vehicle template that is used to design this space shall be
Pedestrian Circulation. Pedestrian circulation should be safe and separate from
vehicle circulation. Provide good sidewalk layout to connect all building entrances with parking and