Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
site facilities and existing walks. Pedestrian circulation should be based on pedestrian desired lines
of walking between site facilities and existing walks. Desired lines should be weighted to predict the
most traveled routes. These routes would require paving. Topography and vegetation can be
used to reinforce a sense of movement. Design pedestrian concentration areas with adequate
paved area.
SIDEWALK DESIGN. The network of walks throughout the complex shall be designed
to facilitate pedestrian traffic among facilities, and minimize the need to use vehicles. Sidewalks
shall be provided on both sides of the street. Walks shall be a minimum of 1.2 m [4 ft] wide
exclusive of curb width, and made [non-reinforced][wire mesh reinforced] concrete with a minimum
thickness of 100 mm [4 in]. Where walks are adjacent to the curb, the curb width is not to be
included as sidewalk. Ramps for handicapped individuals shall be provided at intersections by
depressing street curbs and adjacent sidewalk.
LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN. [Insert the requirements of the activity department in
charge of landscaping criteria]. Landscaping shall be in accordance with [Insert activity criteria
governing landscaping]. [A plant list of allowable plants has been attached for the contractor's use].
The offeror shall obtain and use the services of a qualified [State certified] landscape architect,
experienced in site planning and planting design. A complete, integrated landscape-planting plan
shall be provided for the overall project. The design shall reflect appropriate groupings, foundation
plantings, and street tree plantings to define the open spaces to ensure a complete landscaped
project. Choose plant materials on the basis of plant hardiness, climate, soil conditions, low
maintenance, and quality. Selected plant materials shall be easily maintained and tolerant of the
specific site conditions. Incorporate sustainable design principles into the selection of plants.
Planting or seeding shall occur only during periods when beneficial results can be obtained.
Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Cover. Plant varieties shall be nursery grown or
plantation grown stock. They shall be grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality
of the project.
3-11.1.1 Quality. Well-shaped, well-grown, vigorous, healthy plants having healthy and well-
branched root systems shall be provided. Plants shall be free from disease, harmful insects and
insect eggs, sunscald injury, disfigurement, and abrasion. Plants shall be provided that are typical
of the species or variety.
Shade and Flowering Trees. A height relationship to caliper shall be provided.
Height of branching should bear a relationship to the size and variety of tree specified, and with the
crown in good balance with the trunk. Trees shall not be "poled" or the leader removed.
3- Single Stem. Trunk shall be reasonably straight and symmetrical with crown and
3- Multi-Stem. All countable stems, in aggregate, shall average the size specified. To
be considered a stem, there should be no division of the trunk, which branches more than 150 mm
[6 in] from the ground level.
3- Specimen. A plant shall be provided that is well branched and pruned naturally
according to the species. The form of growth desired, which may not be in accordance with natural
growth habit, shall be as indicated.
Deciduous Shrub. Plants shall be provided having the height and number of