Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
extent possible within the constraints of the site available to facilitate pedestrian traffic within the
complex. Orientation shall be functional, and encourage unit cohesion. [Insert additional orientation
requirements that are dependent upon known site constraints.] Additionally, solar orientation
should be considered so that the long axis of the building is within 20 degrees east or west of true
South, so that a major section of the roof faces within 20 degrees of South. The purpose of solar
orientation is to expose a minimum surface area to direct solar gain while allowing the units the
potential for passive solar applications. Additional consideration will be given during the quality
evaluations with respect to unit orientations and passive solar applications considered and included.
For additional passive solar information and considerations, see chapter 11 of this Statement of
Work. ] [Edit if necessary where known site constraints preclude compliance with this requirement.]
[Insert Installation Criteria.]
GRADING AND DRAINAGE. The grading should maintain existing topography while
recognizing standard gradients. There should be a balance of the quantity of cut and fill soils which
would create a smooth transition of graded areas into the existing natural site. The plan should
reflect selective site clearing that preserves groups of trees. Grading should manage site runoff to
maintain rate of flow and quantity to pre-construction levels, or reduce site runoff where possible.
The principles of positive drainage should be applied to control the conditions that remove rainfall
away from facilities and functions. Site designs should seek to minimize the disturbance of land,
and utilize natural drainage paths where possible. Federal, State and local regulations regarding the
design of stormwater management systems shall be considered the minimum design criteria.
[Insert additional installation requirements for grading and drainage.] [Address [NPDES] permits
required for construction activities.] Additionally, minimize the impact of construction activities on
drainage and prevent loss of soils by water and wind erosion. Designs which improve on existing
water quality by incorporating sustainable design principles are encouraged, consistent with budget
constraints and activity requirements.
GENERAL SITE DESIGN CRITERIA. The following are to be used as guidance for site
design. Minimum spacing between buildings shall be [Insert Installation Minimum Setback
Requirements]. Analyze the existing site conditions (i.e.; land use, community facilities, off-site
workplaces, etc.) and incorporate a site design that results in an aesthetically pleasing and
functional design. The site design shall address the following: orientation, site organization, spatial
balance, character and scale, compatibility, life safety, circulation systems, view of the site, buffer
zones, wind and noise control, land forms (i.e.; mounds, swales, ponds, etc.), lawns and shaded
areas, vehicular access, a minimum of [Insert the Minimum Spaces Required by the Installation]
parking spaces for staff, residents, handicapped, visitors, service, and motorcycles, service
entrances, bus routes, connecting walks, utility corridors, fire protection access, site lighting, site
furnishings, mechanical enclosures, trash collection dumpsters with trash enclosures, landscaping,
and etc. [Dining facilities are to be located within walking distance to the UEPH Complex, and
constructed by separate contract.] [Insert exact location and size of existing or future dining facility
in the RFP.] [For future expansion, a minimum grass area of [Insert Installation Required Square
Footage] square feet located [Insert Location of Future Expansion] shall be provided. No new
improvements shall be constructed within the area designated for future expansion.]
Site Design Criteria For UEPH Facilities. In addition to the general site design criteria
defined above, UEPH Facilities shall include the following: a grass multi-purpose area having a
minimum of [Insert Installation Required Area], a grass playing field area having a minimum of
[Insert Installation Required Area], [Insert required number and size of multipurpose courts] paved
multipurpose courts, and a grass training area having a minimum of [Insert Installation Required
Area]. [Insert additional installation requirements such as baseball diamonds and bleachers, etc.]