Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Provide a site development plan that shows the spatial
and functional arrangement of all [Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) Units]
[Company Operations Facilities (COF)] [Battalion and Brigade Headquarters Facilities]
requirements. The plan should ensure an economical, compatible and functional land use
development that utilizes the advantages of the site, fosters visual order, [Insert "and provides a
sense of community" when constructing UEPH Units]. The site development plan shows
consideration for the site opportunities and constraints, program requirements, and specific site
design criteria and guidance provided. [The installation shall provide the contractor a copy of the
recommendations of the Installation Real Property Master Plan and the Installation Design Guide.
These recommendations should be addressed.]
Land Use. The plan for the area should reflect an optimum balance of floor area, open
space, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation. The plan should show an efficient, organized and
economical land use arrangement that is compatible and functional. This plan should show the
relationship of the area to adjacent land uses. [Insert specific installation criteria].
Noise Mitigation. Insert specific installation requirements.]
Buffer Area. Provide appropriate buffer areas to separate and visually isolate the
[Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) Units]] [Company Operations Facilities
(COF)] [Battalion and Brigade Headquarters Facilities] from [Insert specific installation criteria].
[Note that greater emphasis should be used to foster a sense of community within the UEPH
Complex, while separating the "work" areas from the "home" areas to the greatest extent possible.]
Orientation. Orient the Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing (UEPH) to the
maximum extent possible within the constraints of the site available to facilitate pedestrian traffic
within the complex. Orientation shall be functional, and encourage unit cohesion. [Insert additional
orientation requirements that are dependent upon known site constraints.] Additionally, solar
orientation should be considered so that the long axis of the building is within 20 degrees east or
west of true South, so that a major section of the roof faces within 20 degrees of South. The
purpose of solar orientation is to expose a minimum surface area to direct solar gain while allowing
the units the potential for passive solar applications. Additional consideration will be given during
the quality evaluations with respect to unit orientations and passive solar applications considered
and included. For additional passive solar information and considerations, see chapter 11 of this
Statement of Work. ] [Edit if necessary where known site constraints preclude compliance with this
requirement.] [Insert Installation Criteria.]
Orientation. Orient the Company Operations Facilities (COF) to the maximum extent
possible within the constraints of the site available to facilitate pedestrian traffic within the complex.
Orientation shall be functional, and encourage unit cohesion. [Insert additional orientation
requirements that are dependent upon known site constraints.] Additionally, solar orientation
should be considered so that the long axis of the building is within 20 degrees east or west of true
South, so that a major section of the roof faces within 20 degrees of South. The purpose of solar
orientation is to expose a minimum surface area to direct solar gain while allowing the units the
potential for passive solar applications. Additional consideration will be given during the quality
evaluations with respect to unit orientations and passive solar applications considered and included.
For additional passive solar information and considerations, see chapter 11 of this Statement of
Work. ] [Edit if necessary where known site constraints preclude compliance with this requirement.]
[Insert Installation Criteria.]
Orientation. Orient the Battalion and Brigade Headquarters Facilities to the maximum