Construction Cost Factor (CCF)
,514.72/EA, based on an Engineering Estimate (build out). A Marine Railway is defined as a
conveyance used to move small water craft from a body of water to a storage or maintenance facility, and
consists of railroad track and a sled. For purposes of the FPG, the sled is not considered real property. As
the UM is defined in terms of EA, several assumptions had to be made. First, based on analysis of
commercial marine railways, the appropriate UM should be TN, as the weight of the vessels to be moved is
the determining factor in designing the facility. Second, as there is no standard EA, a notional set of
dimensions was used. The length of track was set to 100 LF. The width of the track was set to an average
size of 78.5" based on various weight requirements. Using USACE published data for railroad track
construction, the cost for this notional EA was calculated and inflated to FY04 $ using the appropriate
factors as published by OSD.
Sustainment Cost Factor (SCF)
7.52/EA, the sustainment factor was calculated using a ratio from FAC 8601 (1.13%) as no
other auditable data was available.
No Layout Available