UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Ceiling suspended acoustical ceiling tile (ACT). Ceiling to have 12" by 10"
high raise notch along Simulator Room wall between Control Room and
target wall for an exposed cable tray to be inserted. Top and side of raised
notch shall be ACT.
Trim none
Locksets classroom style - except Secure Storage Room is storage.
2-36" High x 48" wide sliding operable windows with locking device and single
pane safety glazing in hollow metal frame mounted between Control Room
and Simulator Room. Bottom of window frame 34" AFF.
2-8"x8" operable access doors. One access door between Secure Storage
Room and Simulator Room, and another between Control Room and
Simulator Room. Access doors are for running cables and air lines
between the rooms.
Heating, occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling, occupied 78 degrees F (25 C); maintained ambient
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Air movement shall not cause targets or projection screen to ripple, special
Lighting 50 fc; provide dimmers for room darkening
- Provide track lighting over targets with five directional incandescent
fixtures, light control provided with dimmer in Control Room.
- Zone fluorescent with multiple switch control and three tube fixtures with
one tube on a separate switch. (Dimmer control may be used)
- Lighting Controls for Simulator Room located at entry behind firing line
into room as well as in Control Room.
- Provide "Range-In-Use" light outside main entry door, with an associated
pilot light switch in the Control Room.
Receptacles convenience and computer duplexes
- Provide a receptacle at each target location
- Provide a dedicated 20 Amp circuit with standard duplex outlet for future
Voice/data two voice/data duplex receptacles in Control Room located below
viewing windows. Locate double duplex receptacles and voice and data
outlets along walls in Simulator Room per proposed furniture layout
(minimum of six locations).
- 6" wide by 4" high aluminium , cable tray in ceiling notch. Bottom of the
cable tray shall be flush with bottom of adjacent acoustical ceiling tile.
LMTS target switches in the Control Room.
Weapons Simulator PA System Provide PA system such that Control Room
can give one-way instruction to shooters. If a building wide PA system
is used continue it throughout the Weapons simulator space but have a
PA silence switch in Control Room to silence building wide PA system in
Simulator Room only. Building wide PA silence switch will not disable
mass notification or fire alarms in Training Room.
No mercury vapor fixtures.