Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
2- Function: [verify function, type of equipment to be painted, chemical characteristics
of coatings, and delivery system with user].
Adjacency requirements:[ ]
Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: [ ]
Floor: [ ]
Base: [ ]
Walls: [ ]
Ceiling: [ ]
Other requirements: [ ]
[Cold Region Vehicle Corridor. Provide vehicle corridor area equal to a maximum
of 30 percent of the repair and scheduled maintenance bay net area.] [Include paragraph only if
project is in weather region 1-4.] .
2- [Function: vehicular circulation area providing central feeding of repair and
scheduled maintenance bays, in lieu of drive-through bays]
2- [Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to repair bays and scheduled maintenance
bay(s). Adjacent to cold region vehicle warm-up vestibule]
2- [Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide heating, ventilation and exhaust system to
remove engine exhaust from vehicle corridor area] [coordinate with user, delete if not required].
Floor: epoxy coating on concrete slab
Base: none
Exterior walls: exposed concrete masonry units or exposed concrete to vehicle door height;
prefinished metal liner panels above. Exposed structure shall be painted.
Ceiling: prefinished metal liner panels on underside of roof purlins; exposed structure shall be
painted. Ceiling/roof height shall not be lower than vehicle door height.].
[Other requirements:]
[Cold Region Vehicle Warm-up Vestibule. Provide vehicle warm-up vestibule area
equal to a maximum of 30 percent of the repair and scheduled maintenance bay net area.
Provide 7400 mm wide x 4300 mm high overhead doors at exterior wall and at wall between
vestibule and cold region vehicle corridor.] [Include paragraph only if project is in weather
region 1-4.] .
2- [Function: Warm-up vehicle engines prior to entering bays.]
2- [Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to exterior hardstand vehicle access aisles.
Adjacent to cold region vehicle corridor.]
2- [Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide heating, ventilation and exhaust system to