Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Entry Vestibule. Provide at main exterior entrance to Administrative Area Corridor.
[If climate dictates, revise this sentence to require vestibules at all entrances to the building.]
2- Function: Primary entry point into the COF; weather protection for interior spaces.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to Administrative Area Corridor.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment:
Floor: Provide recessed entry mat full depth of vestibule x full width of doors; porcelain tile, or
quarry tile in remainder of room.
Base: porcelain tile or quarry tile
Walls: Match exterior wall finish material (preferred), or painted impact resistant gypsum wallboard,
or painted veneer plaster
Ceiling: painted gypsum wallboard, painted veneer plaster, or painted Portland cement plaster.
2- Other requirements: Provide aluminum storefront entrance doors on exterior and
corridor sides of vestibule. Additional aluminum storefront area (sidelights, transoms) is
desirable. Provide minimum 1829 mm [6'-0"] deep exterior covered area (entry porch) full width
of storefront. Provide location for company identification signage on exterior wall above or
adjacent to entrance.
2-3.1.10 Platoon Office. Provide four; each 9.3 m2 [100 sf]. Offices shall be accessed
directly from the Administrative Area Corridor, or through a common space that is accessed
from the Administrative Area Corridor. Occupants: 1 in each office, and occasional visitors.
2- Function: Private office for platoon leaders or other administrators.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to Administrative Area Corridor. Near Admin
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide and design each office to accommodate
one desk [____] with return [____], one side chair and one desk chair [Coordinate additional
furniture requirements with user].
Base: resilient cove base
Walls: painted gypsum wallboard or painted veneer plaster
Ceiling: suspended acoustical panel ceiling
2- Other requirements: Exterior window is desirable but not required. Partitions shall
have minimum STC rating of 49.
2-3.1.11 Conference Room. Provide one; 33.5 m2 [360 sf]. Room shall be accessed from
the Waiting Area (preferable), or through the Admin Office. Admin clerks shall have visual
control of Conference Room door. Occupants: up to 22 persons.
2- Function: Conference room for company leadership, staff, and visitors. Functions will