Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Ceiling: painted exposed structure.
2- Other requirements: Provide an uncovered mud removal area for equipment cleaning
outside of the building at the paved service yard, near the Equipment Maintenance Area. This
area will consist of freeze-proof hose bibbs mounted [___mm above] a concrete slab with a
removable non-slip grate cover. The slab should be designed to allow water to drain to the
storm drainage system, and allow easy collection and disposal of mud removed during the
cleaning process. Provide the following number of hose bibbs: 16 for large company; 10 for
medium company; 6 for small company. Provide a pair of 914 mm wide hollow metal doors
opening onto the paved service yard; doors shall have hold open devices. All entry doors into
Equipment Maintenance Area shall have entry function (F82) locksets with auxiliary deadlocks
(thumb turn inside, keyed cylinder outside), or function F08 exit devices (if exit devices are
required by code).
Arms Vault. Provide one. Area: Large company 44.13 m2 [475 sf] [edit if large
company requires larger vault]; Medium company 33 m2 [355 sf]; Small company 33 m2 [355 sf].
Construction of Arms Vault shall comply with paragraph 5-6.2. Room shall be accessed from
Equipment Maintenance area. Occupants:[insert number].
2- Function: Storage and issue of weapons. [Important ! Verify the contents of each Arms
Vault with users. This model SOW is written based on the assumption that ammunition will not be
occupancy Group H-1 requirements of the International Building Code will apply. Coordinate
with the authority having jurisdiction prior to issuance of the RFP.].
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to Equipment Maintenance Area
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide arms rack anchor rings on all walls inside Arms
Vault; refer to paragraph 5-6.2.5. Arms racks are not in contract.
Floor: sealed concrete
Base: none.
Walls: painted concrete
Ceiling: painted concrete.
2- Other requirements: [Add requirement for dehumidifier if necessary]
Unit Storage. Provide one area. Minimum area: Large company 85 m2 [915 sf]; Medium
company 58.1 m2 [625 sf]; Small company 25.1 m2 [270 sf]. Exterior entry shall open to paved
service yard. Provide access from Equipment Maintenance Area and from exterior service yard.
2- Function: Storage of [insert contents of room]
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to exterior paved area for loading equipment on large
vehicles. Adjacent to Equipment Maintenance Area.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: [add requirements for shelving].
Floor: sealed concrete