Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Ceiling: painted gypsum wallboard, painted veneer plaster, or painted Portland cement plaster
2-3.4.4 Other requirements: Door shall have classroom function (F84) lockset.
REQUIREMENTS. The battalion HQ building(s) shall consist of administrative areas, soldier
services (chaplain) areas, classrooms, and support spaces. Provide facilities for [ ] large
battalions, [ ] medium battalions, and [ ] small battalions. Net areas of classroom and
support spaces are the same for each size battalion; net areas of administrative spaces vary
with battalion size. Total gross area of each size battalion HQ shall not exceed the following:
Large battalion 1452 m2 [15,629 sf]; medium battalion __ m2 [___ sf]; small battalion ___ m2
] m2
[_____ sf]. Total gross building area of all battalion HQ buildings shall not exceed [
[_____ sf] [Maximum gross area shall be as shown on form DD 1391]. Each battalion may
occupy a separate building, or multiple battalion headquarters may be grouped into one
building. Buildings may be one or two stories in height. In a two-story configuration, classroom
area, service core, soldier support offices, personnel administration clerk (PAC), and S-4 offices
shall be located on the first floor; The command section, service core, S-1, S-2, and S-3 offices
may be located on the second floor. One elevator is required. Grouping multiple battalion
headquarters in one building is encouraged, however, each battalion must function
independently, and each battalion's spaces shall be readily identifiable. A common lobby,
stairs, toilets, and elevator may be used; common mechanical rooms may be used, but
mechanical and electrical systems must provide each battalion with independent operation and
control. To the greatest extent possible, buildings shall be arranged to allow future
reconfiguration of battalion sizes, and internal reorganization of office spaces: fixed elements
such as toilets, equipment rooms, and core areas shall be located at the perimeter of
administrative spaces; partitions separating administrative spaces should not be bearing walls.
Leadership and staff will manage the organization, receive visitors, and conduct the business of
the battalion from the administrative areas (Command section, S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, and PAC).
Soldiers will visit the facility to conduct administrative business, attend training classes, or meet
with support personnel (Chaplain's office). Military personnel will staff the facility; military and
non-military personnel will visit the facility to meet with leadership or attend meetings. Although
only able-bodied military personnel will be on staff, all spaces except shower rooms, and utility
areas (janitor closets, mechanical, electrical, communication, and elevator machine rooms) shall
comply with handicapped accessibility requirements. Functions and areas are as follows:
Command Section. Provide one group of offices, with accompanying reception
area, coffee area and private toilet. In a two-story building locate Command Section on the
second floor. Command section shall be adjacent to, and accessed through, the S-1
Clerical/Central Files area.
Commanding Officer (CO). Provide one; 20.9 m2 [225 sf]. Room shall be
accessed through the Reception Area. Occupants: 1, and occasional visitors.
2- Function: Private office for battalion commanding officer.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to Reception Area, S-1 Clerical /Central Files.
Adjacent to or near command section toilet, coffee area, Executive Officer and Command
Sergeant Major offices [modify this sentence to require direct access doors from CO to XO and
CSM offices only if this is a must-have user requirement; requiring doors between these offices
places additional restrictions on design of the floor plan].