Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-721-11.1, UEPH Complexes, 26 Nov 01
11.2.1 Lawn and Landscaping Irrigation System: The design submittal shall include drawings clearly
showing the piping layout and location of sprinkler heads coordinated with the landscaping plan,
control valves, backflow preventers, rain check switches, controllers, etc. Indicate buildings, walks,
shrubbery, trees, and other obstacles that might interfere with the proper operation of the sprinkler
system. A design analysis calculating the pressures at each sprinkler head for the capacity and radius
of throw is required. Details of the sprinkler head installation, valve boxes, and other irrigation
appurtenances shall be submitted.
11.2.2 Landscape, Planting and Turfing The landscape planting design narrative shall describe the analysis of existing site conditions,
including an indication of existing plant materials that are to remain on the site. The statement of concept
shall indicate specific site problems related to proposed development and the rationale for proposed plant
locations. The narrative shall also include a list of suggested types and sizes of plant materials which are
to be used, based upon the designated functional and visual criteria. The concept drawings shall be prepared at a scale which corresponds with the site layout and
grading plans and, likewise, shall include reference coordinates, north arrows, graphic scales and
appropriate legends. An overall planting layout shall be developed and shall include enlarged detail plans
of specific areas, as needed, to clarify requirements. The proposed layout shall indicate shade trees,
evergreen trees, flowering trees, shrub masses, etc., according to designated functional and visual
locations of planting. A legend which also indicates sizes of plants recommended for each of the above
categories shall be included. The drawings and all subsequent plans shall indicate existing and proposed
buildings, paved areas, signs, light standards, transformers, dumpster areas, storm drainage system, and
other structures and utilities.
11.2.3 Architectural Design narrative shall provide a summary of functional space relationships, as well as circulation.
There shall also be a general statement for the rationale behind the major design decisions. Architectural Floor Plans shall indicate dimensions, columns lines, and detail references. Toilets
and other specialized areas shall be drawn to 1/4" scale and shall show any needed interior features. Finish schedule shall indicate material, finishes, colors and any special interior design features
such as soffits, fascias, and lighting troughs, etc. All required equipment shall be shown on the drawings with an equipment list. List any special graphics requirements that will be provided. Schedules shall be provided for both doors and windows. These schedules shall indicate sizes,
types, and details for all items shown on floor plans. Hardware sets using BHMA designations. Composite floor plan showing all prewired workstations. Also show typical elevations of each
type of workstation. SID package. Fire Protection and Life Safety Analysis. This analysis must be performed by a Registered Fire
Protection Engineer (FPE). NICET certification is not sufficient to address this requirement.
11.2.4 Structural Systems
ection 01012 - Page 10