Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
Base: resilient
Walls: refer to Corridor.
Ceiling: refer to Corridor
2- Other requirements: [ ]
2-2.2.11 Break/Training/Conference. Provide one room per core. Locate on the same floor
as Admin and Shop Control; minimum total net area shall be [____] m2 . Total occupants: [__]
[Space is authorized at 0.7 m2 net area per each person assigned to the building, but not less
than 18.6 m2 total] [In lieu of one large room, in facilities with large building populations it is
advisable to require a small break room with kitchenette, and a separate Training/Conference
Room; this strategy will allow people to use kitchen/coffee/vending area without disturbing a
meeting in the larger room. Edit accordingly.]. Provide personnel door(s) between
Break/Training/Conference and Corridor. Walls or partitions between this room and other
spaces [shall be concrete masonry or concrete] [may be metal studs with abuse-resistant
gypsum wall board].
2- Function: Serves as a snack and break area for workers, and multipurpose
training/conference room.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to corridor; near Admin and Shop Control.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide plastic laminate kitchen base and wall
cabinets and countertop (minimum 3000 mm long) [increase amount of casework in larger
facilities], with stainless steel two-compartment sink, garbage disposer, and instantaneous hot
water dispenser; provide handicapped accessibility. Design room to accommodate the following
government provided furniture:[insert table and chair requirements]. Exterior windows are
Base: resilient
Walls: painted concrete masonry units, painted concrete, or painted gypsum wallboard.
Structural columns shall be furred with materials matching the finish of adjacent wall surface.
Ceiling: suspended acoustical panel ceiling; minimum ceiling height 2800 mm.
2- Other requirements:
2-2.2.12 Stairs. Provide as required for circulation and egress. [Delete paragraph when two
story structure is not an option] [Where more than one stair is required, one stair may be an
interior space and other stairs may be exterior, fully covered stairs] [Stairs shall be interior
spaces] [Interior stairs are preferable in most climates; assess functional and visual impact of
covered exterior stairs; while initial cost of exterior stairs may be lower, life-cycle maintenance
costs will be higher]. Minimum stair width shall be as required by applicable codes, but not less
than 1220 mm. Walls or partitions between stairs and other spaces [shall be concrete masonry
or concrete] [may be metal studs with abuse-resistant gypsum wall board].
2- Function: Circulation and egress; movement of equipment and people between
floors of core.