Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
2- Function: Electrical support spaces for the building.
2- Adjacency requirements: Locate main electrical equipment room on ground floor.
Electrical rooms on upper floors should be located to allow efficient distribution. Size and locate
rooms to allow equipment removal and maintenance. Electrical rooms shall not be used for
storage or other purposes; access to electrical rooms will be limited to authorized personnel.
Locate exterior electrical equipment to comply with force protection standards.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: As required by Statement of Work.
Floor: sealed concrete
Base: resilient cove base, or none.
Walls: painted gypsum wallboard, or exposed concrete, or concrete masonry units
Ceiling: none required.
2- Other requirements: Electrical service to the building shall be underground. Provide
masonry screen walls with lockable metal access gates around outdoor equipment (refer to
Chapter 3). [Coordinate with requirements of Installation Design Guide] It is preferable to locate
transformer within the screened mechanical equipment area. Comply with force protection
2-2.2.15 Communication Rooms. Provide dedicated interior rooms for telephone and
ADP/LAN equipment. Size and locate rooms to allow equipment removal and maintenance.
[Space savings can be achieved by locating ADP/LAN gear in the same room as telephone
equipment; verify acceptability of this arrangement with user and post DOIM; edit if necessary].
Provide floor openings and vertical shaft spaces as necessary. Minimum dimensions for each
communication room shall be 3353 mm x 3048 mm. Provide minimum of one communication
room per floor. [Verify current criteria regarding IBCT/Transformation IS infrastructure
requirements. It is possible that an additional 3353 mm x 3048 mm communications room
adjacent to the comm. room described in this paragraph will be required to accommodate the
gear required].
2- Function: Telephone and data network support spaces for the building.
2- Adjacency requirements: Locate to allow efficient distribution. Communication
rooms shall not be used for storage or other purposes; access will be limited to authorized
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: As required by Statement of Work.
Floor: sealed concrete
Base: resilient cove base, or none.
Walls: painted gypsum wallboard or painted veneer plaster, or painted concrete masonry units
Ceiling: none required
2- Other requirements: Communication service to the building shall be underground.
Weapons [and COMSEC] Storage Vault. Provide one. Locate on first floor;