Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
Ceiling: painted concrete. Minimum ceiling height shall be 2800 mm.
2- Other requirements: Provide HVAC system to control relative humidity to [__]% plus
or minus [__]% [coordinate environmental requirements with user]
2-2.2.18 Men's Toilet Room. Provide one room on each floor of each core, sized to
accommodate the number of plumbing fixtures required. Minimum number of fixtures shall be
as required by International Plumbing Code (Business occupancy). Calculate fixture
requirement on the following male-to-female occupant ratios: Repair Bays: _-to-1; Warehouse
Bay spaces: _-to-1; Admin and Shop Control: _-to-1; other core spaces: _-to-1. Toilet Room
and Locker Room should share common entrance off of Corridor. Arrange entrance to provide
visual privacy. Walls or partitions between this room and other spaces [shall be concrete
masonry or concrete] [may be metal studs with water-resistant gypsum wallboard; where
ceramic tile finish is indicated provide glass mesh mortar units (cementitious tile backer board)
in lieu of gypsum wallboard].
2- Function: Restrooms for male occupants.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to corridor; first floor Men's Toilet Room adjacent
to Men's Locker Room.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide countertop mounted lavatories, floor
mounted toilets, and wall-hung urinals. Countertops shall be plastic laminate or solid surfacing
material. Provide toilet partitions at each toilet, and urinal partitions between urinals. Partitions
shall be solid polymer plastic, overhead-braced type. Provide the following toilet accessories:
one continuous mirror full width of countertop at countertop mounted lavatories; one paper towel
dispenser/waste receptacle per toilet room; one soap dispenser per lavatory; one toilet tissue
dispenser per toilet; one robe hook on each toilet partition door. Toilet accessories shall be
fabricated from stainless steel, provide semi-recessed units where possible. Provide minimum
of one floor drain with deep seal trap; locate floor drain outside of traffic areas.
Floor: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Base: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Walls: ceramic tile, or minimum 1829 mm high ceramic tile wainscot with painted gypsum wallboard
or painted concrete masonry units above.
Ceiling: painted Portland cement plaster, or painted gypsum soffit board; minimum ceiling height
2800 mm.
2- Other requirements: Provide handicapped accessibility in conformance with
2-2.2.19 Men's Locker Room. Provide one room on first floor of each core, sized to
accommodate the number of lockers and showers required. Provide [___] individual shower
compartments (915 mm x 915 mm). [Require one shower for every 15 workers exposed to hot
or dirty conditions; coordinate with user, certain job descriptions could require more showers]
Provide [___] single tier steel lockers (minimum size 305 mm wide x 457 mm deep x 1829 mm
high). [Require one locker for each non-administrational occupant of the building. Refer to the
male-to-female ratios listed in the preceding paragraph]. Locker Room will be accessed from
corridor. Arrange entrance to provide visual privacy. Toilet Room and Locker Room should
share common entrance off of Corridor.