Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
Floor: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Base: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Walls: ceramic tile, or minimum 1829 mm high ceramic tile wainscot with painted gypsum wallboard
or painted concrete masonry units above.
Ceiling: painted Portland cement plaster, or painted gypsum soffit board; minimum ceiling height
2800 mm.
2- Other requirements: Provide handicapped accessibility in conformance with
2-2.2.21 Women's Locker Room. Provide one room on first floor of each core, sized to
accommodate the number of lockers and showers required. Provide [___] individual shower
compartments (915 mm x 915 mm). [Require one shower for every 15 workers exposed to hot
or dirty conditions; coordinate with user, certain job descriptions could require more showers]
Provide [___] single tier steel lockers (minimum size 305 mm wide x 457 mm deep x 1829 mm
high). [Require one locker for each non-administrational occupant of the building. Refer to the
male-to-female ratios listed in the preceding paragraph]. Locker Room will be accessed from
corridor. Arrange entrance to provide visual privacy. Toilet Room and Locker Room should
share common entrance off of Corridor.
2- Function: Lockers and showers for female occupants.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to corridor, adjacent to Women's Toilet Room.
Accessible from Women's Toilet Room without going through Corridor.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide the following toilet accessories: one 406
mm wide x 1524 mm high wall mounted mirror; one liquid soap dispenser per shower. [Provide
one solid polymer plastic dressing partition with door and hardwood bench, in front of each
shower compartment]. Toilet accessories shall be fabricated from stainless steel, provide semi-
recessed units where possible. Provide hardwood locker room benches. Provide minimum of
one floor drain with deep seal trap at each drying area.
Floor: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Base: porcelain tile, or ceramic tile.
Walls: ceramic tile.
Ceiling: painted Portland cement plaster, or painted gypsum soffit board; minimum ceiling height
2800 mm.
2- Other requirements: Provide handicapped accessibility in conformance with
ADA/UFAS. Provide at least one accessible shower/dressing area. Provide at least [2]
accessible lockers.
2-2.2.22 Elevator Machine Room. Provide one in each two-story building. Size to comply
with equipment and code requirements.
2- Function: Space for hydraulic elevator equipment.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to elevator and corridor.