Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Elevator. Provide one hydraulic passenger elevator in each two-story battalion HQ.
2- Function: Vertical conveyance of people and furniture.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to lobby or main corridor.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Passenger elevator: 2,500 lb. capacity, minimum 75
feet per minute speed; center opening doors. Refer to Chapter 5 for additional requirements.
Walls: plastic laminate
Ceiling: suspended aluminum egg crate
Car door and front: satin finish stainless steel
Hoistway entrance doors and frame: satin finish stainless steel
2- Other requirements: Handicapped accessible.
REQUIREMENTS. The brigade headquarters (HQ) building shall consist of administrative
areas, soldier services areas, and support spaces. Provide one single-story brigade HQ
building. Total gross building area shall not exceed 972.9 square meters (m2 ) [10,473 square
feet (sf)] [Maximum gross area shall be as shown on form DD 1391]. To the greatest extent
possible, the building shall be arranged to allow future reconfiguration of administrative office
spaces: fixed elements such as toilets, equipment rooms, and core areas shall be located at
the perimeter of administrative spaces; partitions separating administrative spaces should not
be bearing walls.
Leadership and staff will manage the organization, receive visitors, and conduct the business of
the brigade from the administrative areas (Command section, S-1/PAC, S-2, S-3, and S-4).
Military personnel will staff the facility; military and non-military personnel will visit the facility to
meet with leadership or soldier services staff (Chaplain, Surgeon, re-enlistment office). All
spaces except shower rooms, and utility areas (janitor closets, mechanical, electrical,
communication rooms) shall comply with handicapped accessibility requirements. Building
spaces and areas shall be as follows:
Command Section. Provide one group of offices, with accompanying reception
area, coffee area and private toilet. Command section shall be adjacent to the S-1/PAC
Clerical/Central Files area. Reception area shall have direct access to corridor/lobby.
Commanding Officer (CO). Provide one; 21 m2 [226 sf]. Room shall be accessed
through the Reception Area. Occupants: 1, and occasional visitors.
2- Function: Private office for battalion commanding officer.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to Reception Area, S-1 Clerical /Central Files.
Adjacent to or near command section toilet, coffee area, Executive Officer and Command
Sergeant Major offices [modify this sentence to require direct access doors from CO to XO and
CSM offices only if this is a must-have user requirement; requiring doors between these offices
places additional restrictions on design of the floor plan]. Adjacent to Conference Room;
provide door from CO office into Conference Room.