Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
2- Other requirements: Handicap accessible.
Charge of Quarters (CQ) Station.
Provide one area, approximately 6.5 m
2 [70 sf].
2- Function: Reception area for visitors; duty desk for barracks manager.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to lobby and main entry. Locate to allow
observation of lobby, main entry, public telephones, and common outdoor areas.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide reception desk (built-in casework)
minimum 2438 mm [8'-0"] long, to accommodate computer and monitor (not in contract),
security system monitor, telephone, writing area. Provide built-in communication and power
receptacles. Desk shall have minimum two legal size file drawers and one pencil drawer. All
drawers shall have locks. Desk components shall have plastic laminate or stained wood finish.
Work surfaces and counters shall be solid surfacing material or plastic laminate.
2- Other requirements: Handicap accessible.
Main Stair. Provide as required to allow circulation from lobby to all upper floors,
and to comply with applicable code egress requirements. If allowable by applicable code, it is
preferable to provide a main (monumental) stair that is open to the lobby.
2- Function: Central vertical circulation for the building. Means of egress if so designed.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to entry lobby. Connects all floors of the building.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment (FFE): Stairs shall be steel construction with
concrete-filled treads, or cast-in-place concrete construction. Open risers are prohibited.
Provide decorative trim and detailing to integrate stair into lobby design. Provide metal railing or
other guardrail system between open stair and adjacent spaces. Provide mechanical and
electrical systems to comply with applicable codes.
2- Finishes: Landing floors: carpet (preferred), porcelain tile, quarry tile, or resilient tile.
Base: porcelain tile, quarry tile, or resilient cove base.
Treads: carpet (preferred), porcelain tile, quarry tile, or resilient treads. Provide slip-resistant
nosing if tile is used.
Risers: carpet (preferred), painted steel, porcelain tile, or quarry tile
Walls: impact resistant gypsum wallboard with vinyl wallcovering or painted finish; Prefinished or
painted metal railings.
Ceiling: suspended acoustical panel ceiling, painted gypsum wallboard, painted veneer plaster,
painted Portland cement plaster, or painted underside of precast concrete structural floor planks
2- Other requirements: Handicap accessible.
Toilet Room. Provide one.
2- Function: Private, handicap accessible toilet for use by visitors and CQ.