Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
Floor: porcelain tile, quarry tile, or sealed concrete
Base: porcelain tile or quarry tile
Walls: painted water resistant gypsum wallboard or painted veneer plaster, or painted concrete
masonry units
Ceiling: painted gypsum wallboard, painted veneer plaster, painted Portland cement plaster, or
painted underside of precast concrete structural floor planks
2- Other requirements: Provide insulated glass storefront or sidelights at door to allow
views into the room from the corridor. Conceal utilities from view, but provide easy maintenance
access; locate utility connections 914 mm [36"] above finish floor, unless otherwise
recommended by manufacturer. Provide one floor drain for every four washers; locate outside
of traffic area. Provide direct straight-run venting of dryer exhaust. Partitions around laundry
rooms shall have minimum STC of 45, and shall extend to underside of floor above. Provide
914 mm [3'-0"] wide door(s) into room. Doors shall have classroom function (F84) locksets (or
exit devices if required by applicable code).
UEPH Support Areas. Support areas include circulation spaces such as stairs and
corridors; mechanical, electrical, and communications spaces; boot wash facilities; and outdoor
storage buildings. Spaces are as follows:
Interior Corridor. Provide as required to allow circulation to building spaces, and
comply with applicable code egress requirements. Due to security, climate, and force protection
concerns, interior corridors are the preferred means of circulation between living units and other
building spaces.
2- Function: Circulation and means of egress.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to vertical circulation.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment (FFE): Provide mechanical and electrical systems to
comply with applicable codes. Provide fire extinguishers in semi-recessed fire extinguisher
cabinets to comply with applicable codes.
Floor: porcelain tile, quarry tile, vinyl composition tile, or integrally stained concrete.
Base: porcelain tile, quarry tile, or resilient cove base.
Walls: impact resistant gypsum wallboard with vinyl wallcovering or painted finish.
Ceiling: suspended acoustical panel ceiling, painted gypsum wallboard, painted veneer plaster,
painted Portland cement plaster, or painted underside of precast concrete structural floor planks.
2- Other requirements: Handicap accessible.
Breezeway. Refers to an unconditioned, covered corridor space that is enclosed on
the long sides, but open to the exterior on the ends. Provide as required to allow circulation to
building spaces and comply with applicable code egress requirements. Breezeways are an
acceptable means of circulation between living units and other building spaces. [Edit as
necessary to retain or delete use of breezeways. Breezeways are not recommended for very
cold climates, nor where security and force protection are controlling issues.]
2- Function: Circulation and means of egress.