Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
entry function (F81) lockset. Exterior window is desirable. Partitions shall have minimum STC
rating of 49. Minimum ceiling height 2642 mm [8'-8"].
Secured Documents Vault. Provide one room; 14.9 m2 [160 sf]. Vault shall be
certified for open storage of secret material. Class M Modular construction is acceptable.
Provide Class 5 vault door with day gate [verify all vault criteria with user]. To allow future
flexibility in reconfiguring offices areas, locate vault on the perimeter of the administrative areas.
Occupants: 1 [verify with user].
2- Function: Storage of documents classified `secret' and below. Space for crypto
equipment. Workspace for one clerk.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to and accessed from S-2 Clerical/Central Files.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide and design room to accommodate one
desk [____] with return [____], [insert shelving or file cabinet requirements], and one desk
chair. [Insert crypto equipment requirements].
Base: resilient base
Walls: painted or pre-finished modular vault panels
Ceiling: painted or pre-finished modular vault panels
2- Other requirements:
S-3 Section. Provide one group of offices.
S-3 Officer. Provide one; 8.8 m2 [95 sf]. Room shall be accessed through the S-3
Clerical/Central Files area. Occupants: 1, and occasional visitors.
2- Function: Private office for S-3 officer.
2- Adjacency requirements: Adjacent to S-3 Clerical /Central Files.
2- Furnishings/Fixtures/Equipment: Provide and design room to accommodate one
desk [____] with return [____], one bookcase [___], two legal-size four-drawer file cabinets, one
side chair, and one desk chair.
Floor: carpet
Base: resilient base
Walls: painted gypsum wallboard or painted veneer plaster
Ceiling: suspended acoustical panel ceiling
2- Other requirements: Provide 914 mm [3'-0"] wide door into room; door shall have
entry function (F81) lockset. Room shall have exterior window. Partitions shall have minimum
STC rating of 55.
Office. Provide four; each 8.8 m2 [95 sf]. Area may be a private office or a systems
furniture workstation accessed through the S-3 Clerical/Central Files area. Occupants: 1 in