Steam Power PlantsSteam Power Plants Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) - ufc_3_540_02n0002Foreword - ufc_3_540_02n0003Contents - ufc_3_540_02n0004Chapter 1 Introduction - ufc_3_540_02n0005References - ufc_3_540_02n0006Appendix A Steam Power PlantsMilitary Handbook - ufc_3_540_02n0008Abstract - ufc_3_540_02n0009Foreword - ufc_3_540_02n0010Mechanical Engineering Criteria Manuals - ufc_3_540_02n0011Contents - ufc_3_540_02n0012Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0013Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0014Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0015Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0016Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0017Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0018Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0019Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0020Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0021Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0022Contents - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0023Figures - ufc_3_540_02n0024Tables - ufc_3_540_02n0025Tables - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0026Tables - ufc_3_540_02n0029Tables - cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0030Section 1. Introduction Section 2. Basic DataDiscount FactorComparative Cost of Alternate MethodsSource of PowerFigure 1 Typical Steam and Electric Load CurvesFigure 2 Typical Load Curve Base Load Power PlantFigure 3 Typical Load Duration Curve Base Load Power PlantFigure 4 Typical Load Duration Curve - Load Priority as Follow:Expansion, Rehabilitation, and Replacement of Existing PlantsCodes and RegulationsTable 1 Plant Location FactorsTable 1 Plant Location Factors - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0043Table 1 Plant Location Factors - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0044Primary Power PlantsSection 3. Administrative Procedure to Develop A Power PlantTable 2 Power Plant Loads for DesignSteam Power Plant DesignFigure 5 Typical Load Duration Curve - All Power Purcased Figure 6 Typical Extraction Condensing CycleFigure 7 Typical Back Pressure CycleFigure 8 Typical Authomatic Extraction Condending CycleFigure 9 Typical Extraction Condensing Cycle Heat BalanceTable 3 Information Required for Design of Power PlantsTable 3 Information Required for Design of Power Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0055Table 3 Information Required for Design of Power Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0056Table 3 Information Required for Design of Power Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0057Table 3 Information Required for Design of Power Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0058Section 4. Power Plant Steam Generation Velocities in Convection Sections of BoilersTable 4 Maximum Velocities (ft/sec) in Convection Sections for Coal, Wood, or Solid Waste BoilersOverfeed Spreader Stoker with Traveling GrateTable 5 Stoker Selection CriteriaPulverizers - ufc_3_540_02n0064Pulverized Coal Firing vs. Stoker Coal FiringFigure 10 Pulverizer - Borner Coordination CurvesWood Firing - ufc_3_540_02n0067Primary Air FansTable 6 Equipment Selection For Boiler PlantsTable 6 Equipment Selection For Boiler Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0070Table 6 Equipment Selection For Boiler Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0071Table 6 Equipment Selection For Boiler Plants - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0072Section 5. Steam Turbine DesignTopping CycleFigure 11 Typical Uncontrolled Extraction - Condensing CycleFigure 12 Typical Controlled Extraction - Condensing CycleFigure 13 typical Back Pressure CycleFigure 14 Typical Topping CycleSelection of Cycle Steam ConditionsSteam Power Plant ArrangementFigure 15 Typical Small 2-Unit Power PlantFigure 15 Typical Small 2-Unit Power Plant With Condenser Below TurbineFigure 17 Critical Turbine Room bay ClearancesTable 7 Typical Gross Turbine Heat RatesSteam RatesTable 8 Theoretical Steam RatesActual Steam RateFigure 18 Turbine Efficiencies vs CapacityCommon MediumTurbine TypesAutomatic Extraction TypeFigure 19 Typical Authomatic Extraction CycleTurbine Generator SizesTable 9 Direct Connected Condensing Steam Turbine Generator UnitsTable 10 Turbine Throttle Steam Pressures and TemperaturesTable 12 Typical Turbine Exhaust PressureOil PurifiersFigure 20 Oil Purification System With CentrifugeFigure 21 Oil Purification System With Multistage ConditionerGenerator TypesTurbine Generator FoundationsMain Steam BlowoutInstallation of Temporary StrainersCondenser CleaningTurbine Lube Oil Flush and RecirculationInitial Plant StartupOperation - ufc_3_540_02n0107Operation ControlSection 6. General and Electrical Facilities DesignCommon Bus SystemFigure 22 Section Connections. Unit Station Common Bus ArragementStation Service SwitchgearFigure 23 Station Connections, 2-Unit Station, Unit Arrangement Generation at Distribution VoltageFigure 23 Station Connections, 2-Unit StationFigure 25 one-Line Diagram Typical Station Service Power SystemsGenerators - ufc_3_540_02n0116Standards - ufc_3_540_02n0117Features and AccessoriesGenerator Leads and SwitchyardGeneral - ufc_3_540_02n0120Figure 26 Typical Synchronizing BusGenerator LeadsFigure 27 Typical Main and Transfer BusFigure 28 Typical Ring BusFigure 29 Typical Breaker and a Half BusSegregated Phase BusSection 7. Steam CondensersCondenser Heat LoadTable 13 Typical Design Conditions for Steam CondensersTube Water VelocityTable 15 Typical Condenser Size and Cooling Water FlowCondenser MaterialsTube Support PlatesFigure 30 Heat Transfer Through Condenser TubesTable 16 Recommended Tube, Tube Sheet and Water Box MaterialsTable 17 Recommended Tube Gauge, Water Velocity, and ApplicationTable 18 Relative Resistance of Most Widely Used Tube Materials to FailureBrackish Water ServiceTubesheetsFigure 31 Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys in Flowing SeawaterWater BoxesCondenser SupportTable 19 Venting Equipment Capacities For Single Shell CondenserSection 8. Auxiliary EquipmentFigure 32 Typical Steam Flow DiagramFeedwater HeatersDeaerators - ufc_3_540_02n0147Deaerator Storage VolumeFigure 33 Deaerator FunctionsDeaerator RatingFigure 34 typical Presure Reducing and Desuperheating StationsCompressed Air SystemFigure 35 Typical Auxilary Cooling Water StationAuxiliary Cooling Water SystemSection 9. Coal HandlingFigure 36 Arrangement of Continuous Bucket Ladder for Unloading BargesCoal CrushingCoal SamplingCoal Sampling - Cont'dSection 10. Ash HandlingPressure SystemStoker Coal FiringSection 11. Control and InstrumentationMaintenance and CalibrationFigure 37 Typical Combustion Control SystemTable 22 List of Instruments on Control PanelsTable 22 List of Instruments on Control Panels - Cont'dTable 23 Sensing Elements for Controls and InstrumentsTable 23 Sensing Elements for Controls and Instruments - cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0169Table 23 Sensing Elements for Controls and Instruments - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0170Table 23 Sensing Elements for Controls and Instruments - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0171Table 24 Locally Mounted InstrumentationFigure 38 Electro-Hydroulic Control SytemSteam Turbine Generator ControlControl LoopsFigure 39 Typical Controls LoopsTemperature SensorsTable 25 Flowmeter Selection TableRecordersOperatorsFigure 40 Typical ControlsFigure 41 types of Authomatic Controller ActionElectro-Hydraulic OperatorsFigure 42 Hysteries Caused by Friction in a ValveControl RoomSection 12. Water Supply, Makeup,and TreatmentCooling Water SystemsIntake StructuresPumps - ufc_3_540_02n0189Water Treatment - ufc_3_540_02n0190Figure 43 Multiple Pump PitsFigure 44 Sump Dimensions Versus FlowFigure 45 Sump Dimentions Plan ViewFigure 46 Sump Dimensions Elevation ViewCooling Towers - ufc_3_540_02n0195Table 26 Cooling Water TreatmentsSection 13. Corrosion ProtectionSection 14. Safety ProtectionTable 27 Permissible Noise ExposuresEquipment Design Sound LevelsPiping and EquipmentSection 15. Fire Protection Table 28 Typical Fixed Fire Detection and Suppression Systems - ufc_3_540_02n0203Table 28 Typical Fixed Fire Detection and Suppression Systems - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0204Table 28 Typical Fixed Fire Detection and Suppression Systems - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0205Section 16. MiscellaneousCranes and HoistsSeismic Design Criteria - ufc_3_540_02n0208Arrangements - ufc_3_540_02n0209Platform and LaddersOperation - ufc_3_540_02n0211Equipment Data ManualSection 17. Pollution ControlTable 29 EPA Emission Sampling Techniques1Waste StreamsDischarge StandardsBulk Oil Storage TanksSolid Waste Disposal - ufc_3_540_02n0218Fly AshSection 18. Environmental Regulations and PermittingTable 30 Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality StandardsNew Source Performance StandardsTable 31 New Source Performance Standards for Industrial-Commercial-InstitutionalTable 31 New Source Performance Standards for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional - Cont'dTable 32 New Source Performance Standards for Fossil-Fuel FiredWater Quality RegulationsDesignation of UsesAntidegradation PolicyOil Spill RegulationsOil Spill Regulations - Cont'dSolid Waste Disposal - ufc_3_540_02n0231Totally Enclosed FacilitiesNonhazardous WasteDredge and Fill RegulationsHarbor linesState Permit ProgramPermits - ufc_3_540_02n0237Environmental Impact StatementsDraft EISAir PermitsDe Minimis AmountsClass I AreasTable 33 Significance Levels (in micrograms per cubic meter)Local PermitsEnvironmental Impact StatementFiling DateNPDES Permit ConditionsNPDES Permit Conditions - Cont'dOil Spill PlanSolid Waste Disposal PermitSolid Waste Disposal Permit - Cont'dDredge and Fill PermitDredge and Fill Permit - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0253Dredge and Fill Permit - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0254Nationwide PermitsActivities Authorized by a Nationwide PermitActivity-Specific ConditionsManagement PracticesIndividual PermitsIndividual Permits - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0260Individual Permits - cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0261Individual Permits - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0262Individual Permits - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0263FAA PermitSupplemental NoticeSupplemental Notice - Cont'dSection 19. TestingSteam GeneratorsInput/Output MethodHeat Loss MethodCondensersCooling Towers - ufc_3_540_02n0272EvaporatorsFansCompressors - ufc_3_540_02n0275Heat ExchangersHeat Exchangers - Cont'dAir Heaters - ufc_3_540_02n0278Dust CollectorsPrecipitatorsTest Equipment and MaterialsSection 20. Load Shedding Generating Unit SizesRate of Load ReductionTotal Load ReductionIncremental Load Reduction - ufc_3_540_02n0286Incremental Load Reduction - ufc_3_540_02n0287Critical LoadsStandby PowerSection 21. Power Plant CogenerationFigure 48 Combined CycleIsolated OperationInterconnection with UtilityInterconnection EquipmentUtility Power RatesPurchase of ElectricityEconomics - ufc_3_540_02n0297Table 34 Typical Performance of Cogeneration Systems Power to Heat RatioBibliography - ufc_3_540_02n0299References - ufc_3_540_02n0300References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0301References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0302References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0303References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0304References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0305References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0306References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0307References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0308References - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0309Appendix B Steam Power PlantsDepartment of Defense Handbook - ufc_3_540_02n0311Table 28 Typical Fixed Fire Detection and Suppression Systems - ufc_3_540_02n0312Table 28 Typical Fixed Fire Detection and Suppression Systems - Cont'd - ufc_3_540_02n0313